The program includes exercises on Mondays 16:30 - 18:00 and on Wednesdays 16:45 - 19:00. By default, the exercises will begin by jogging and proceed indoors with fitness, games, etc. There will be 2-3 coaches depending on the size of the group.
The price for winter training is 250 euros, which will be invoiced in two installments: 90 euros on registration and 160 euros after New Year.
The facilities and the assembly will mainly be at Brando Lågstadieskola, Ståhlbergintie 2. Because of the schools' holiday periods and some other obstacles, some of the sessions will take place at Kulosaari Primary School (Kyösti Kallion tie 1) and Kallahti Primary School (Kallvikinniementie 1) - and at some other venue, which will be defined later.
In addition to weekly exercises, there will be an opportunity to participate in a variety of sports experimentation: bouldering, golf, skiing, downhill skiing and rock climbing. Those occasions will be announced later at Nimenhuuto and will be of separate cost.
The dates and places will be specified in Winter program's Nimenhuuto group (
Register for winter training at
Welcome everyone!

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